3 Dantian Centers Alignment for Inner Harmony
The 3 dantian centers of Head, Heart, and Gut (navel center) are three levels of the psyche with which we interpret reality. The Head is the thinking mind, the Heart is the feeling soul, and the Gut is the body level and seat of instinct and true intuitive knowing. They correspond to spirit, soul, and body, which have been lived as separated parts that vie for resources and pillage from one another. The mind that thinks it knows suppresses instinct and intuition and overrides the messages of the heart; the false needy heart likewise causes us to do things that are not for our good; and the body gets attention through tension and pain. There are many ways that they undermine one another and try to get the upper hand, and this causes depletion of resources, aging, and illness. Yet, when they are aligned and in harmonious interaction, a fourth level of reality becomes accessible: the reality of the observer self–window to our eternal self.
As we cultivate the observer self in life, we move away from being at the effect of life, to eventually becoming the cause. As observer, we engage in life with one eye inward and one outward….finding within the cause of the irritants without. As we so refine ourselves, life moves from being a mirror of our distortions to it becoming our real expression.
These 4 powers correspond to 4 aspects of the psyche, 4 attitudes of evolved awareness, 4 brainwave states, and 4 modes of interpreting reality. When you live from this inner alignment, internal harmony is achieved and the mind is still, the heart knows true compassion without attachment, and the relaxed gut generates well-being in body. This changes our hormones–away from the stress hormones that bind us to a lower reality of fear, toward the feel-good hormones and those for balanced power and empathy that lead us into a life impelled by inspiration.
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