Qi Vesta Mentorship Program to Become a Huna Qi Vesta


    ‘Huna’ means ‘priest’, or ‘pri-est’, which means one who reached mastery.

    The Qi Vesta is a system of divination and manifestation to enter into oneness consciousness, and flow with the animating Breath of Source, becoming our own source of sustenance. Qi is life-force or breath, and Vesta is of the Divine. so it translates to the “Breath of the Divine’.

    The set of 144 concepts and alchemical sigils supports embodied perspectives of oneness, which makes up a strong foundation to live from integrated oneness. We become the dreamer and the dream, and our life is an ever changing, inspired work of art in alignment with Infinite Intent.   The Qi Vesta is achieves the mastery of shaping a self-sovereign reality from our unique essence in unhindered expression.

    The Huna Qi Vesta program is the first level of mastery of the Qi Vesta, and it requires 60 days of daily ceremony.