Clearing and Attuning The Outer Sense Organs to Perceive Life Ever New


    Activation of the Eight Outer Sense Organs ~ To manifest a higher life

    This product has the eight clearing and activation protocols with the Runes of the Infinite Mother, to clear the outer sense organs of their distortion filters, and activate them to their higher function.

    The sense organs’ distortions have locked us into illusion, and this needs to clear now. Once cleared, the outer sense organs can fluidly cooperate with the inner sense organs, helping us to tap into the 9/10th or our manifestation power that has been inaccessible until now.

    What we perceive, we achieve, and the heavenly state is here and now if we will but sense it to bring it about.

    Product includes:

    1. 8 protocols (Rune integrations) for the 8 Outer Sense Organs.
    2. 3 videos: Intro to the 8 outer sense organsActivating the Sense of Smell and Eye exercise to See the Real Light.
    3. 8 light elixirs created by Almine for the outer sense organs (available exclusively here)
    4. Audio meditations and Rune spreads:
      • To surrender to the moment in love and trust
      • To dream life anew
    5. Other support material, including a set of 8 videos of the 288 Earth Songs of the 288 Inner Senses that unify with the inner aspect of the outer sense organs.

    Read more about the importance of the outer senses, below.

    When purchasing the product, you will be redirected to, as you will need an account (free or paid subscription) to access the product materials. Product price fluctuates to a fixed Euro price, but it is about $79 USD.