I feel so much more fluid in life. There’s an open willingness with everything that was never there before. I was overly concerned about others, what they think, their comfort, and so on. Now that is not a concern at all. I also have no need to impress or compete–something that has been with me all my life. This is HUGE. I also notice that I don’t get upset at things that would normally get to me. I feel like I am floating through life and every day brings new things. Another big shift I’ve noticed from the AiB-level 2 sessions is that I used to have a hyper energy and my mind would never stop racing. Now I am so calm..things happen around me that would trigger me before, and now I notice my mind is still. Things are opening up with my work and clients and I am just loving the space I’m in! I’ve never experienced this quality of calm and contentment in my life! The changes in me are amazing. Lynne Smith, NS, Canada
New level of calm and imperturbability…
Lynne Smith
Healing Coach
April 25, 2017
New level of calm and imperturbability…