Wednesday March 27th, Vitalizing our Manifestation from the Receding Horizon

Golden Yellow ~ (Day 51 on the Cosmic Time Map)

We have been preparing all along for this next big leap into ‘the big leagues’ as Almine has described it. At each step we thought we understood what was going on, only to find we had to change ‘on a dime’. When the directive changes…when higher insight is there that turns life inside out, the master changes course without questioning.

So let’s see why we needed to go through those steps in the first place…

The unreal is not illusion unless it is separated from its source. In other words, the holographic screen, which has a beginning and an ending, is not illusion if we know we are its projector. So in Sacred Government through Self-Government, as an evolutionary step, we needed to reconnect source (ourselves) to the screen (the unreal), and release the illusion that the screen could affect us. So long as we believed that, the screen became an opposite, hostile mirror. In reconnecting source (self) to screen, we set things up for life to become our expression.

In step 2 where we left the screen behind to focus on self-refinement for its own sake, we were cutting the ties that bound us to things playing out on the screen, so that we would no longer allow the ‘tail to wag the dog’.   In order to have the screen be a direct expression, we must be free from needing it to look a certain way, because in neediness we create from unwholeness…  So this step was about eliminating all reference points external to us, and reconnecting to the self as the only being…to being our own source of everything.  To be our own source of sustenance comes from being one with Source–and it is then that we are the Door of Everything. This takes us deeply into living the 5 elements, as each one is a lens through which we see only the One Life in everything. 

In step 3, where we are now with resolving karma as the gathering of missed insights, we are effectively developing our ‘artist’s palette’ for the later stage of co-creating conscientiously, at a higher order of life. This is where we are headed for in the Field of the One.

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Let’s look at the first step of reconnecting self to screen…of recognizing ourselves as the central expressor of all that happens in our reality. We have not taken self-responsibility up to now, because false spirit has inserted itself as an external authority.  We believed we had failed in many ways, compared ourselves to others and fell short, regretted things in our past as though we could make a mistake, and so on. When source and screen are separated in this manner, the screen is not an expression but rather a hostile mirror from our self-suppression. And it reflects the opposite, reinforcing our self-doubt. From this state of life in the dream, we lost our connection to self-empowerment.

The messages from the Hidden realms are all about the need for us to address this right now. (1)

1- Do for yourself what you are capable of with some preparation (autonomy) (Dwarfs)

2- Have confidence and know that what is inspired in you, you are most certainly capable of achieving (becoming a portal of omniscience) (Fauns)

3- Self-acknowledge, self-encourage, self-believe… (Fairies)

4- Become self-responsible through impeccable self-stalking–know the origin of your actions. (Giants)

5- Eliminate belief systems so you are fluid and creating fluid space – no belief systems means you are present to the moment, and self-referencing for guidance…(Angels)

When we live all the above, the hidden realms will become an expression, and will follow us as we leap forth into a new reality.

Today on the Time Map – we are back in a long run of karmic resolution days. D-3 today–with the directive to not let fear dictate choices, and not be afraid to embrace the new inspirations of our heart. the “3” is about humility to know that we really cannot know anything. Humility is not about second-guessing ourselves, but rather about observing without conclusion, with a still mind and open heart, that aligns us with effortless revelation and knowing in the moment.

Fragrance Alchemy

  • Sacred Space oil, under the feet
  • Apply Forever New 2 inches below the navel (I reclaim my resources and seal up all leaks!)
  • Apply the 5-element oils
  • Power of the One – wear anywhere you feel to.
  • Seven Veils  is the High Magic oil for Golden Yellow days. (applied on the thymus area )  For those with Time Maps, call on your Angel God as you apply the oil.
  • Fountain of Life –  on the thymus area, for the Inner Sage
  • Alchemist’s Oracle as you use the Runes with the Time map process.
  • Flight of the Falcon, activates the 9th meridian, which attunes you to a benevolent reality.

Rune Support  

The 8th set of runes holds these evolutionary steps.  Here is the full set of 96 runes as an integration. You can do it fairly quickly if you set the time to about 4 seconds between cards.  You can change the time by stopping, resetting time, and resuming the integration.

Runes of the 8th Field of the Cosmic Pulse Integration

(1) Messages from the Hidden Realms, Feb 2019 Webinar, Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, 

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