Updates to Fragrance Alchemy and the Urusak Water Device

A search function was added to the Academy of Fragrance Alchemy Website, so it will be much easier to find products!

From now on, with all purchases on the store, you will receive small laminated 5G Power Sigils a/o Food Purification Power Sigils to use.

The 5g Power sigils can be worn in your shoes, stuck to your phone (I have stickers too), placed under WiFi box, TV, computer etc.  These are not in lieu of the EMF Power Stacks. Almine said they work in a complementary manner.

From Almine:

The 5G power sigil placed under your grocery items purifies food. Reduced, laminated,  the sigil in both your shoes helps clear the geopathic stress that comes from the wiring in floors and from the earth (underground streams, for instance, produce geopathic stress and arthritic type symptoms, according to Dr. Robert Jacobs from the UK (another mentor, now retired). 


Note: Some have asked me about this…

in the next few months, we will have the powerful Urusak water device that Dave Reedjik has been working on for the last year, with instruction on how to leverage the power to purify waters on the planet.  But this water device purifies all the fluids in the body as messengers of Infinite Intent, and awakens the Song of the Self in the cells.

Almine has stated that the only manifestation we do is to release the distortion and reveal the true pattern of purity and perfection of the Mother’s Palace. When this profound truth is embodied, the cells in the body will know it, and will no longer be able to hold distortion…they will participate in a graceful journey where through our visions of the Real Dream, we walk on Earth as the Revealers of Truth and Bringers of Hope that uplift all life into a reality of Absolute Truth. Every part of our body will be bathed in the purifying fluids that will make this so and the cell will now emanate the uniqueness of Being. All programs that bind us to the atomic will be no more…

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