The FA Oils for the Bird Clock Program

We have several gemstone protocols that we will be working with through the Bird Clock program, and videos are being produced (thanks to Willy) to support it all).  Working with the gemstones as allies is key in this, and we have been given a FA oil that was said to be necessary to be able to embody their powers.

The next posts will describe these, but first I want to outline the FA oils that are ideal to have.

FA Oils recommended for the program are:

Crystal Waters: Gemstone Alchemy oil – the gemstones have as higher mission, to open up spaces of higher reality on Earth.  As we are the cause of everything, the power to open up spaces of higher reality is ours to embody. And ultimately, that is the purpose of the Bird Clock. Embodying the gemstone qualities that activated crystals of magic along the spine is therefore an important step, and a necessary one to be able to have our efforts translate to tangible openings on the planet. The Gemstone Guardians will be empowered by what we are able to express anew with the Bird Clock. This deep connection with them will translate all that we do, into instant changes on Earth.

Focused Light (Citrine FA oil): to clear the debris in the spine/pranic tube, activate the magic centers along the spine, restore flow in timelessness, increase life force, etc. This supports the fluid movement through the center of the Bird Clock, wherein life is expressed anew.

Eternal Love:  Has the vibe of the Mother’s embrace and love, and as this flow in and through us, it will support us to be an unobstructed conduit of her blessings in life. This is the oil of the unparalleled RQ Veil alchemical Tool, which supports us to hear the Song of our true essence, in a life of no opposites. The refinement in our Song of Self is what empowers what we do with the Bird Clock.

Eternal Mind: Supports the activation of the One Eternal Mind, as the alchemy of the five minds. This is used in the gemstone alchemy protocol that keeps our space pristine at night, and causes us to enter states of deep healing.

The alchemy in this phenomenal oil facilitates a shift in perspective that allows you to see your daily life from an empowered position of one living in Eternal time.”

Power of the One: This phenomenal oil is the replacement for the 144 oil blends in the Belvaspata of Oneness, which closes down the directions and births the incorruptible particle of Oneness…fluid Matter.  It is the oil for the 5 elements, that supports the 5 elements to turn from tyrants to Tools to express form from inner space.

Forever New: this oils has so many function too numerous to list here, but the big one is that if plugs up leaks of resources, and will be supportive of creating a ‘hermetically sealed’ moebius of indivisibility between outer and inner space, through the Amber Gemstone processes we will be using.

The new oils Explosion of Light and the Fountain of Youth will also be added in when I get them. Daily light explosions are recommended, and living the Tones of Reconciliation of the Poles (that we are exploring in the chakra posts) will enhance our ability to generate the colors.

Explosion of Light: has been alchemically formulated to retain the memory of the light explosion protocol, and will help strengthen its effectiveness.

Fountain of Youth: Connects the wearer with the energy source that sustains the universe!  This will be invaluable as we express reality anew throughout the program!

  • And the ones I consider daily staples I have not listed above: Flight of the Falcon (aligns 3 centers, activates vagus nerve) and Song of the High Heart (merges outer and inner, and causes outer reality to sync up to inner shifts), and Rose (on the neck LI-18) – opens up the pathways to support the manifestation of our dreams.
  • And the oils of the 3-portals of the BC: Song of the High Heart, Rose, and Lotus oil…

The above is the ideal list. Choose as you feel to.

I now sell 5 mls options.

AiB members can apply the discount to all FA orders.

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